Nikkis Nature

A Place For Sharing Holistic and Healing Insights

A Bit of Holistic Philosophy and Intention

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So here I am sort of randomly sending out these posts on various books and holistic topics, giving my opinions and reviews as they come up, when a realization dawned on me.  There is a very important point that I don’t believe I have made clear-  when I say that I like a book or remedy or I don’t, it should never be taken as instruction, and I am never indicating that I think there is a right and a wrong way to look at it.  My whole stance in general includes the notion that what is right for one person may be completely opposite of that which is right for the next person.  When I present ideas or topics that come up for me as I study them, my intention is to continue to point out options for healing.  I believe that if you happen upon an idea or alternative treatment that is right for you, you’ll either know it, or that modality will simply find its way to you.  My whole aim is to to keep thinking and learning myself, with a continual expansion of openness of mind, while at the same time acting as a catalyst for these goals in others as well.  The reason I wanted to point out that I am never pushing my personal opinion here is that it can seem that I am just by the nature of commenting on things.  If I say I was confounded by a class on craniosacral therapy, it is in no way saying that I didn’t like it or that it isn’t a wonderful treatment for loads of people-  I’m just relaying my experience as a starting point for you.  Then if it is something that sparks your interest, maybe you will go read what others have to say, or even better, experience it for yourself and see what happens.

I believe that true healing occurs when you can allow an experience of knowing and awareness.  When layers of consciousness can fall away from you… those that contain worry, fear and anger and all of the complications that come with them, you can begin to see what it is to have peace for the present moment.  Clarity of awareness allows the bigger picture to be seen in this instant, in a way that brings contentedness and understanding.  Sometimes pain in the body has to be alleviated before the mind can come to this state, and sometimes the mind has to come to this state before pain can be alleviated in the body.  You might work on this with meditation, with energy work, with flower essences, with the natural rhythm your body achieves through exercise, with breath work, or with gardening.  The possibilities are endless.  I guess what I am talking about today is that I can not say what is going to be right and wrong for you in finding a switch that amplifies your mind-body connection, because it could be anything.  I will say, though, that if you have read all the way up to this point without giving up due to the verbage, that I am proud of you!  Take a good deep breath, notice what your body is telling you, and proceed from there with a choice that is healthy for you and supportive of what you need to accomplish in the rest of this day.  You have an insightful mind, an inquisitive nature, and a potential for gratification from lifelong learning and development.  Peace and health to you!

Author: nikkisnature

I am a Reiki Master Teacher, hypnotherapist, dream teacher, shamanic practitioner, Physical Therapist and overall nature enthusiast. I have spent over ten years studying spirituality, energy, meditation, health and holistic healing. I continually crave new learning and want to be able to use it to share and help others.

One thought on “A Bit of Holistic Philosophy and Intention

  1. Hi Nicole! I just wanted to let you know I look forward to reading your blogs when you post them. The topics you chose have all been things I’m interested in expanding on. I think it is important to have an open mind when it comes to how to best help yourself and others. You’re right you never know what will work and what won’t. I wish we lived closer so I could learn more from you. But we really should plan a get together. Let me know what you think. And thank you for your insightful posts:)

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